This weekend, I decided to finally join the GitHub Pages with Jekyll party. It’s as easy to set up as you’ve heard. Just follow GitHub’s instructions and you’ll be good to go. The only step that’s missing is fairly straightforward: creating a new Jekyll site, after installing Jekyll, but before running bundle exec jekyll serve.

It’s just one line: jekyll new .

If you’ve followed GitHub’s instructions though, you may run into this error:

Conflict: /Users/paul/mysite exists and is not empty.

Fortunately, all you need to do is move everything out, re-run the command, and move everything back in.

mysite$ mkdir ~/tmp
mysite$ mv * ~/tmp
mysite$ jekyll new .
mysite$ mv ~/tmp/* .
mysite$ rmdir ~/tmp

This is a just a Hello World! post, the next should be more technical than a primer on mkdir and mv :)